Mix It Up Monday: The Manuscript + My Story Matters

Hello and welcome to the Twenty-Third edition of our fun series: Mix It Up Monday! Both The Manuscript and My Story Matters have a “telling my story” vibe with vastly different feels and I wanted to see how the team mixed the very different pallettes and vibes together - and they blew me away!

Check out the team’s examples below and I can’t wait to see you mix these two collections up too!


Combining the vintage elements and pretty neutrals from ‘The Manuscript’ along with the fresh, bright colors from ’MyStory Matters’ was a seamless and easy process! I was inspired by several TN papers and stickers from each collection and this layout came together quickly. 


I LOVED combining these two collections! They go so well together, The Manuscript is all neutrals and My Story Matters is super colourful! I opted to go with this gorgeous ink splatters paper from The Manuscript but added some colourful splatters of ink to match the colours from My Story Matters. I chose to create embellishment clusters with the die cuts from My Story Matters and to use the numbers from the sticker kit to create 5 areas for journaling. I so enjoyed playing with these two to create this snapshot of my day.


The Manuscript collection and the My Stories Matter collection mix together so beautifully! I used papers from the TN Signatures as my base and layered in my photo and some of the mixed media Ellies from My Stories Matter to create a paper that goes super well with both collections. I also mixed together many of the stickers from both collections for my embellishment clusters and used these pieces to document my love for photography.


I had such fun mixing up The Manuscript and My Story Matters for this layout. I printed one 12x12 paper from each collection to use as my background. I then created two clusters. The top left one I used some of the neutral papers from The Manuscript behind the photo and then embellished with stickers from My Story Matters. For the bottom right corner I did the opposite, so used some of the 3x4 patterned cards from My Story Matters to start off the cluster and the added stickers from The Manuscript. A few gems added a bit of sparkle and I was really happy with how this turned out.


Mix it up Mondays are where Tracis kits get to shine! Honestly so many of her kits can mix and mingle and you would never know! That makes it so easy for you to have so many combinations in your pages! This week I used Manuscript and My Story and combined elements like the rainbow tag and the black and white paper from manuscript to compliment each other! The lace from manuscript was perfect to line the bottom of that coral plaid paper that I used to create a pocket on this travelers notebook spread about a photo I try to remember to take every year on Mother’s Day with my boys! No matter how big they get!!

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