Focus On: My Story Matters 3.0

Happy Oldies But Goodies Tuesday! It’s that time again where I take one of my favorite collections and show you why I love it so, AND mark it down a whopping 50% off so you can grab it and play too!

My Story Matters is not only one of my favorite collections of all time, but also…everyone’s it seems! It’s been adapted into three paper lines over the years because the theme is just that good!

Perfect for telling any stories, but especially yours, My Story Matters is filled with gorgeous floralized illustrations of cameras, books, pens, and typewriters done in a color palette that is just perfection!

Pick up My Story Matters while it’s 50% off through Thursday and keep reading for more inspiration for your new collection!


The My Story Matters collection has great elements for selfie photos. This was a selfie I took

from Mothers Day this year and the colours in the My Story Matters collection matched

perfectly with my photo. I machine stitched through lines of fussy cut hearts and used both

the alpha and the ‘Me’ word to make my title. I love how my layout turned out. The My Story

Matters collection is a wonderful collection to document every day life.


I started my “New Smile” TN album AGES ago using the “My Story Matters” collection (mostly anyways!) and haven’t really done much in it so today’s OBG was the perfect chance to jump back in!

I’ve scrapped the photo of the day I got my braces back in 2021 and yep, the title sums up perfectly how I felt when I took this photo! I loved that I was able to build this title using the digital alpha in 2 different colours to sum up exactly how I felt at the time to lead into my journalling.

I’m so glad that this OBG share this week popped up because it has helped remind me of just how far I’ve come and also how much I haven’t yet documented!


Hi all, today some of the design team is playing with the My Story Matters collection. This collection is full of color and focuses on telling your stories. I decided to document my son and how when he was younger, he always kept us on our toes. The rainbow of color in this collection is so bright I turned my photo black and white to allow the colors to shine and added elements from both the digital and sticker sets to create my clusters. The cameras in this collection have my heart. I love how it all came together.


For this project, I wanted to use some of the stickers in the My Story Matterscollection… but I’ve also wanted to experiment more with using my digital stash for making jewelry! I found a neat set of bevel pendants and clear disks to go on top— I went with the 1 inch option! I used my 1 inch circle punch to make my bases out of some of the best patterns, and then added some of my favorite stickers and phrases to give them some collage effects! I used some Ranger Glossy Accents to glue it all together, but a clear E6000 would work as well! I’m going to be repeating this project over and over again because it was so much fun… and makes some great gifts!

The My Story Matters Collection