2024 Freebie Collection by Traci Reed Designs: Radiate Joy

Today’s the day, scrappers! I’ve got not one, not two but THREE exclusive coordinating freebies for you that you’re going to love!

If you’d like to see more about me and my work on the daily, check out my Instagram or Facebook Page.

Also, did you know I have a pretty dang active YouTube Channel where I scrap and TEACH hybrid techniques? Well I do and you should check that out too!

Now about that freebie…

Check out the unboxing of the entire Radiate Joy Freebie, available in three parts via the store at TraciReed.com, SweetShoppeDesigns.com and in the newsletter!

The whole preview is just stunning!!

Here are links to where you can find each piece so you don’t miss a bit! Enjoy!

Radiate Joy Part One - Available in the shop at TraciReed.com

Radiate Joy Part Two - Available in the shop at SweetShoppeDesigns

Radiate Joy Part Three - Code available through the TRD Newsletter!

Team Layouts with Radiate Joy