December Daily 2020: Day 18

Happy Day 18, y’all! Today I’m scrapbooking a really beautiful story about a kid with a HUGE heart and a never-ending belief in Santa! When I told my Facebook friends that Finn could not be dissuaded from the “fact” that Santa is MAGIC and therefore could end the pandemic, a dear friend came through in a clutch!

Turns out, she has a fantastic literacy project where she sends letters from Santa to encourage kids to read and she wanted to know if I wanted her to send Finn a letter from Santa about the pandemic!

The letter was beautiful and perfect and explained in an unobtrusive way how Santa couldn’t control pandemics and I am so grateful to her! Check her out at Letters from the North Pole!


I knew I wanted to include sanitized journaling AND the real story in a way that Finn wouldn’t see it, so I returned to my old friend the photo flip, but added the whole thing into a 6x8 page protector so the flip was inaccessible unless you took the page out of the protector.


Then on the inside, I told the true story of Finn’s letter from Santa!


The rest of the layout was fun and easy to put together with lots of journaling and I put the letter (with North Pole cancellation and all) directly on the rings.


Day 18 Process Video