Letting the Collection Guide Your Page with Tracie

Does a single piece from a collection ever change your scrapping direction when you see it?

When I first saw the gorgeous new True North collection, my mind immediately went to all of my sunny, summer beach day photos. I had ideas running through my head and I was going through my photos mocking up pages in my brain. And then I saw it… a small sticker that said “I love cold beaches”. I stopped and pondered this for a bit. Then an idea began to take shape.

I love Michigan beaches just as much in the cold of winter as I do in the warm summer sun. I love the snow and the ice formations from the waves and spray. I love the brilliant blue skies and the deep blue of the water. I took another look through the collection and I knew what I wanted to scrap!

We love to visit the Point Betsie Lighthouse during the winter and this kit was just perfect for scrapping it! The white, red and blues work as perfectly for winter as they do for summer. Sometimes you just have to look beyond the season that you assume a collection is made for and see what else it can do!