December Daily 2020: Day 25

“I’m dreaming of a White Christmas” has always just been a line in a song for us, but when we looked at the forecast and there was a 100% chance of SNOW for Christmas Eve, we held our breath! Turns out we got our White Christmas, but the family member that enjoyed it the most was DEFINITELY our big red floof!

I took some gorgeous photos with my new camera and that scenic one just had to be the star of the show at 6x8 size, but how could I deny a 4x6 for that boy and his snowy face?


Thanks to the cards I made in my DIY Your Scraps video, this page was a breeze and looks like it took a lot longer than the 16 minutes it did!


I loved covering my photos in different kinds of snowflakes from the Cocoa Daisy Cranberry Rose Collection - there were quite a few to choose from, and the snowy colors of the collection were perfect for the vibe of this spread!


I really wanted to place my journal card over my main photo, but couldn’t bring myself to distract from the gorgeousness of it, so I created a flip on vellum so that you could open it up to the full glory of the photo!


Day 25 Process Video