December Daily 2020: Day 20

I can’t believe we’re at Day 20 of December Daily already! Only a few days left! Today 'my layout is all about Finn’s fantastic refrigerator sugar cookies he “made” for the family and the joy it brought him! I only had one side of a spread to work with and knew I wanted this photo of his joyful face to be large, so I decided to put it directly on the rings as a sort of divider!


I had 2 cards I had created for a #TRDDIYYourScraps video (coming soon!) using the Cocoa Daisy Cranberry Rose collection that matched the cookies perfectly, so I decided to use that collection for the whole page - it came together so quickly using the pre-made cards and looks like I put a lot more effort into it (I


Since I had the back of the photo I needed to work with, I decided to just keep it simple with some patterned paper and a card from the collection.


That smile though! I created the title for the photo using two different styles of letter stickers from the collection as well as a foam title!
