December Daily 2020: Day 15

Good morning scrappy people! I’m back with a new December Daily Layout today and this time I’m tackling what to do when you have approximately eleventybillion photos to shove into one December Daily spread! We went to see the lights at our local zoo and since it’s probably the ONLY event we’re doing this year because it’s nice and socially distanced, I took an excessive amount of photos. The problem is that the majority of them were also taken in the dark, so they’re not the BEST photos if you know what I mean, so what to do with them?


First, I decided that I wanted the base of my layout to be this fun photo of the line of light up gazelles from the zoo. I thought it was fun and festive, but also that the Right hand side was a good blank canvas that I could cover up with a fun red pocket and all the tags with my photos.

Here it is without the tags inserted:


Next, I created 3 tags for the pocket, all 4” wide and then cascading down from 8” tall to 7” tally .5” increments so that they could all be seen in the pocket.


On the front of the tags, I put my large photos that I wanted to highlight.


And on the back I put my smaller photos in fun layers!


I used the Cocoa Daisy Cranberry Rose collection for this page because the fun colors matched my photos perfectly! You can also see a sneak peek at a #TRDDIYYourScraps video I’ve got coming after December Daily with that journal card!


Lastly, I added the fun snowflake border from the collection to mitigate some more of that dark photo and added my title on top!


December Daily Day 15 Process Video