December Daily 2020: Day 14

Good morning friends! It’s Day 14 of December Daily and for me, that means it’s time to start a new album! I knew I wanted to scrapbook about the snowflakes that Finn and I made, and I also wanted a pseudo-cover page for my second album, so I had the idea to create a transparent page with these hanging snowflakes!


I wanted to really texture them up, so I also added some bunched up tulle underneath. I love how they sit on top of my pocket page and add to the overall vibe.


The actual pocket page for Day 14 is fairly simple with just a couple photos and my journaling on a card from the #StayHome for the Holidays collection, but when taken together, the two pages are stunning!


When you turn the page, the back side had some adhered veneer pieces and the reverse of the Jack Frost circle says “deck the halls,” a perfect sentiment for ornament-making!


Day 14 Process Video