Create Layout in 30 Minutes or Less with Tarrah!

Love all the papers in a printable collection and want to use them ALL on your project? Make the most of your printable collections by printing all the papers in a smaller format and using shaped punches to cut out your desired shapes quickly and effectively.

For this layout, I added all the gorgeous Flower Child papers to a Word document, resized them all to measure approximately 2’ x 2’ and they were ready to be printed on one sheet of paper. I cut these all up individually and took my 1 and a 1/2 inch circle punch and punched out circles from each of the printed papers. Paper punches can really save time if you require a certain shape in a certain size, you can punch squares, hearts, stars and circles, these shapes all look great no matter how you arrange them on your project.

I cut out a cut file on the top part of a piece of white cardstock that the punched circles could all fit behind and began to arrange them and adhere them behind the cut file, making sure that no 2 colors were near each other. Once the holes were all backed, I then trimmed the white cardstock down and adhered it to a piece of light pink cardstock and machine stitched a border around the outside using white cotton.

My photo was placed using craft foam for dimension, over to the right side slightly and I layered some more of the papers on the left side of the photo. I adhered the title also using craft foam and also the Sweet Memories phrase at the bottom of the photo. Over the top of some of the hearts in the cut file, I added some of the super cute small flowers from the Flower Child collection also using craft foam for dimension. Down the bottom, to add some interest down there, I added a few of the arrow words.

This layout literally took me 30 minutes, once I had decided on the design and how I envisioned it turning out it was easy to get it started and finished. I challenge you to try and get a layout finished in 30 minutes! My advice? Keep it simple and don’t overthink it!

Thanks so much for stopping by today!

Happy creating!

Tarrah McLean

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