December Daily 2022: Day 9

Happy Day 9 of December Daily! Today I’m using the All Is Bright collection to tell a story about our Christmas lights then and now!

Day Nine

When we moved from California to Tennessee in 2017, we moved into a rental home that served us well for the 5 years we lived there, but always felt “temporary” and not like home. I’ve talked about this in different contexts in previous December Dailies, but now that we’ve bought our own home and moved, I found a different story to tell about our outdoor Christmas lights!

I never once hung Christmas lights in the rental home and as I was going through our Christmas boxes this year, I realized that I wanted to hang lights outside and then I got to contemplating what that meant for me…did I finally feel “home?”

December Daily 2022 | Day 9 Process Video

I decided to contrast the photo I took of hanging lights this year with one taken in our hold home to tell this story, but I didn’t want both photos visible at the same time, so I used a card stock hinge to create a photo/journal card flip up to reveal the 2015 photo and story.

I had previously created the left hand side of this layout in my Stress-Free December Daily Prep Day 2 Video so now it was just a matter of bringing the two sides together.

I chose to do that by using some of the digital embellishments from the All Is Bright digital kit that had the black outlines to bring some of the black from the Traveler’s Notebook Signature to the right hand side of the page. I love that the whole spread says “making spirits bright with festive lights” - a perfect title for the story!
