December Daily 2022: Day 14

Hey Hey Hey! It’s December Daily Day 14 which means we are more than halfway to the finish line! Not every layout in December Daily needs to be about fun events or things that you are doing, and I like to dedicate one spread each year to the new Christmas albums I’m listening to!

Day 14

I decided to use the tag page I created with the Echo Park Santa Claus Lane Collection (designed by me!) in my Stress-Free December Daily Prep Day 5 Video for this page because it had 6 tags on it - perfect for my 5 albums + a bonus spot for the day number!

Because I usually listen to these albums when out on a run, I decided to include a post-run photo of myself (in a festive sweatshirt!) as well.

On the back side of the tag is my journal spot and title. I went back and forth over whether to put the photo or the journaling on the front, but in the end, since I like to hide my journaling, I went with the photo on the front.

December Daily 2022 | Day 14 Process Video

I decided to treat the tag pages like a base for a full-page collage rather than 6 individual collages and overlapped the frames, ephemera and stickers all the way down the page instead of containing them to each individual tag. Overall, I think this lends a fun and festive feel to the page.

I “rated” each album by using either 3 or 4 stars on each tag, scattered around the album cover so that I know it’s a rating system, but it also looks decorative instead of having straight rows of stars.

Since the main pages were so busy, I kept the center tag nice and clean with just patterned paper to cover the manila and my photo + sticker and sentiment on the front.

And my title and journal spot on the back. By having the tag in the middle, it breaks up the more chaotic tag pages and gives your eye somewhere to rest!
