December Daily 2022: Day 12

I always like to include at least one recipe in my holiday albums, so for day 12 I included what is actually our always-used recipe for chocolate chip cookies, modified with peppermint candies and extract to make them chocolate peppermint cookies!

Day 12

For today I had the back side of a 3x4 pocket page to work with, and I knew I wanted to include my recipe, so I decided that the envelope insert I made in my Stress-Free December Daily Prep Day 6 Video would be the perfect place to put it!

I designed a simple recipe card in using my All Is Calm collection due to the cute peppermint candies and adhered it to the 6x8 paper I already had in the envelope, then it was time to create the layout! I wanted that large photo of Finn to overlap the opening of the envelope and be a “statement” photo on the page and I thought that wrapping the whole envelope with that gorgeous green ribbon really added a lot to the page, even if I struggled big time with the ribbon. (watch the video lol)

December Daily 2022 | Day 12 Process Video

The “twelve” in the Vicki Boutin chipboard numbers from the CTK Jingle All The Way Kit was perfect to string on that ribbon!

And then lastly, the little peppermint candy “buttons” on top of the ribbon really give it a fun pop.

On the pocket side of the page, I knew I wanted to include that Cocoa Daisy “let’s bake” journaling card and I chose scraps from my CTK kits to mat my photos on, adding die cuts and word bits to each card.

The finishing touch was adding another ribbon/bow to one of the cards - I love that finishing touch!
