It's Love Month, so let's Celebrate with a little Self Care!

Chantal - Beginnings & Endings + Time To Thrive

As a stay at home mom, I always take care of others. So self-love and self-care for me is taking time for myself. Looking forward to spring  … so I can drink my cup of morning coffee in the sun. The best way to start my day, Ilove to feel the warm rays of sun on my face.  

The colors from the  Beginnings & Endings  papers and stickers fit perfect with this feeling and I also used a card and some stickers from Time to Thrive

I started with my Cricut to cut out the circles from my back ground. I backed the holes with the papers and added a bunch of flowers printed in different sizes. With an punch I added some vellum and cardstock branches. I colored some velum with alcohol ink and punched some butterflies. A few nuvo drops and some gold splatters to finish the page. 

Caroline - The Love List

Self-love is one of the values that I seek to hold at the core of who I am in the world. It is a value I am working hard to encourage my fifteen your old daughter to adopt too. Without TRULY loving ourself - exactly as we are: with our challenges, our broken places, our shadows and our unique light - how can we truly love others? This is a subject I come back to in my self-reflections alot. It is easy to say we should practice self-love, but not so easy to uphold that ideal - especially when life throws you challenges along the way!

It is great that the Design Team are focusing on self love this week as it has prompted us all (and hopefully the person reading this) to think a little deeper about what self-love looks like to us.

  • Self-love looks like wearing a snuggly onesie and giving myself permission to STOP when I am till (Self-care is the twin sibling to self-love in my mind, but that's another blog post!!)

  • Self-love looks like inviting in kitten cuddles (and my kitten is 17years old and so LOVES giving me cuddles) to soothe my soul.

  • Self-love looks like applying hand cream daily - because my hands work, and they love, and the DO alot and so its goo to take care of them.

  • Self-love looks like sticking to a regime of taking my inhaler morning and night - nd documenting my peak flow so I can try and get a diagnosis. The importance of healthy breath is a lesson I am learning deeply these days.

  • Self-love looks like switching out alcohol and drinking coconut water. Sooooo good!

  • Self-love looks like drinking out of a glass that feels precious and special (because I am precious and special)

  • Self-love looks like snacking on healthy things that nourish by body rather than hitting me with a fix. My current fave is seaweed!

What does self -love look like for you? It is an exercise in self-love to give yourself some time to reflect on this question and to jot some answers down somewhere for yourself. Why not create a memory keeping project to remind yourself of those things like I did using The Love List?

Stephanie - Filled With Intention

I made a Traveler's notebook layout using the Filled With Intention collection to document the first two books I read for 2022. Reading was my first hobby growing up and reading every day is a form of self care for me. I made a goal to read 50 books this year!

On my layout, I also included a hidden tag with a list of other things I do for self love. I can't express how much these little things help shape me and my day, I need these moments of me time!

Tara - On The Go & Going Slow

Self love to me is giving myself permission to take a day off and do absolutely nothing! Maybe that means reading in bed all day, or binge watching Netflix with a big bowl of popcorn! I hardly ever take that kind of time for myself but when I do, I know how rested it makes me feel.

I love the On The Go & Going Slow collection because not only is it super adorable, but it is a general reflection of my life - mostly the ‘on the go’ part! For this mini, I wanted to use only the ‘going slow’ parts and create a book that I could jot notes in, write my favorite books and shows in, add pictures of my favorite ‘lazy’ things to do and be able to reflect back on those things when I need a moment to slow down and catch my breath. It is so important to take time for ourselves and I ‘m hoping this beautiful, little mini will help me to do just that!

Tara has a video all about this lovely project on her YouTube!