How to Create Interest in your Albums by Varying Sizes

Some times in our large album projects like travel albums and yearly albums they can get monotonous when going through them. One way I combat this in my albums is changing up the size of page protectors and type of layouts I create. Do not be afraid to go from full page spreads to a 7x8.25 spread mixed with a traveler’s notebook size page! Mix up your page protectors too.. You will see a lot in my albums that I switch between in the page protectors to outside the page protector all the time. I think when flipping through an album feel has a lot to do with the type of experience someone has when going through your album! Going from feeling paper to a page protector and then maybe a tab to turn the page will definitely keep one’s interest. 

Here in my travel album about our cruise in March I have tried to create interest with having some interactive pages but then going to a simple 3x4 page protector along with full page spreads so your eyes can land and take breaks from my busier pages! 

This album started with an interactive page that I made from the Island Time kit and a 3x4 card! You can watch the process video for that page here.

From there I went to a full page spread mixed with a 5x8.25 page to document our itinerary. Breaking up the full page spreads along with being able to see what is coming next keep the interest peeked for the person going through your album! 

Another thing I do in my albums are switch back and forth from layouts or journaling cards where I just list memories or what what we ate the first day like I did here to making a “traditional” scrapbooking layout! I think this also changes the way the person is who is viewing your album will take in the memories or journaling that you have captured. 

Then to end the day or after a busy spread I will usually go back to a full page photo so that there is a resting spot or a layout that is not as full of journaling or memories! So don’t be afraid to mix it up and get those page protectors out along with outside the page protector spreads going! Happy Scrapping! 

True North Collection