December Daily 2020: Day 4

Hey Hey Hey! It’s Day 4 of December Daily! I snapped this photo of Finn being “cozy” in our decorated living room and wanted to journal about his love of all things twinkle lights and cozy vibes.


Since the sweet photo should be the star, I’ve got a lovely, simple full-page photo spread for you today that seems like it should have been quick, but really took me 2 days of playing around to get right! I saw somewhere that you could emboss on acetate, and bless my heart, I wanted to try it, but could NOT find heat-resistant acetate anywhere close enough to get it on time, so I used regular old acetate and dealt with the (warping) consequences!

But that’s not the only problem I ran into, let me tell you, embossing is no joke and embossing on plastic is probably not something you should be doing with little to no embossing skills.

In the end, I really do like how the transparency come out, even if it’s imperfectly embossed and messy!

I used two stamp sets from Catherine Pooler (linked below) to create that adorable “you melt my heart” overlay and then finished off the page with simple white cardstock hearts strategically adhered directly to the photos and then filled in some rogue “dead spots” in my photos with fun 4” half circle patterned mats + journaling!


You can see here the “imperfection” in the transparency and embossing, but "imperfections” are what make a project sometimes!

Day 4 Process Video