December Daily 2022: Day 7

It’s day 7 of my December Daily and I am so STOKED with how this page using the Santa Claus Lane Collection I designed for Echo Park!

Day Seven

After we decorated the tree this year, my husband and I went downtown to catch the Tree Lighting! Of course….we missed it while having a fabulous dinner, but no big deal, we still had a lot of fun together exploring and checking out all the pretty lights!

I had a totally different layout in mind for these photos, but when I saw how well the acetate ornament page I made in my Stress-Free December Daily Prep Day 5 Video framed the large photo when the page was turned, I knew I HAD to use them together because it looked like I planned it!

December Daily 2022 | Day 7 Process Video

I’m all about hiding my journaling this year, so I cut a slit with my exact knife at the top of my main photo just wide enough to tuck in a tag with a 3x4 card adhered to it. I made sure to tuck it low so that you could see the top of it peeking out, but it wouldn’t obscure that gorgeous photo!

I also added snowflakes and a subtitle to the main photo, but I wanted to keep it as untouched as possible, while still incorporating it into the design, so I didn’t add too much to detract.

When the page turns, we are perfectly framed by the backside of the ornaments , to which I adhered veneer from Color Cast Designs and my number 7, cut into a circle from the number cut apart paper in the Santa Claus Lane Collection.

The REAL tricky part of this page was designing the coordinating layout so that it would work around the ornament acetate page when you first turn to the spread, but ALSO look balanced as a standalone page when the acetate page was flipped.

To do this, I concentrated my design on the inside edge of the page so that our photos weren’t obscured by the ornaments but rather framed perfectly instead, and then to achieve balance when the acetate page is turned, I added the white glittery swirls and snowflakes from the CD Frost and Frolic Traveler’s Notebook Memory Keeping Kit a s a subtle detail that keeps the page from looking left-heavy when standing alone, but doesn’t detract from the ornaments when not.

You can see how all the pages work together here: