December Daily 2022: Day 17

I will admit, my husband and I are both a bit ahem grinchy. So Day 17 in my December Daily is all about our mutual loathing of Christmas shopping and the mall.

Day 17

I used the foundation page I designed in my Stress-Free December Daily Prep Day 1 Video and combined it with my Belly Laughs Cover Plate I designed for Catherine Pooler and those large acrylic numbers by Color Cast Designs that work SO WELL with this color palette!

December Daily 2022 | Day 17 Process Video

This pocket is so cute and perfect to hold my journaling, I just had to move it down on the tag a little. Speaking of the tag, I was putting it on the back of a 5x8.5 layout instead of in the rings as originally planned, so I double matted it on two different coordinating papers to make it pop!

Aren’t these numbers just perfect for this page? I love their jaunty angles too!

On the layout side of the page, I couldn’t resist adding these animals to the page to reflect our grumpiness. The skunk for obvious reasons and the squirrel because he just looks so grumpy! I wouldn’t have used these particular illustrations in a christmas kit, but I made them make sense on this page 😂

The title ended up being “ho ho NO” and I am still tickled by how perfect it is!

I mean, look at him..he’s an angry elf! The squirrel AND my husband 😂
