December Daily 2022: Day 11

Happy Tuesday! It's Day 11 in my December Daily and yes...we went to have ice cream, in December!

Day 11

I used one of the pocket foundation pages I created during my Stress-Free December Daily Prep Day 4 Video using the CD Frost and Frolic Traveler’s Notebook Memory Keeping Kit (sold out) as a kick start for this page and decided to pair it with another grid of a different kind on the left hand side!

December Daily 2022 | Day 11 Process Video

I struggled a bit with this side of the layout and ended up pulling the main collage up, trimming the paper mat, and re-applying to create white space on the outside edge for the border, rather than put my alpha on the patterned paper.

There are a lot of rub-ons on this side of the page as well, and I specifically chose to put a non-rectangular shape here in the middle to break up the grid feel and give your eye room to rest.

The pocket side was just a matter of adding photos and a few more embellishments thanks to the foundation page I created. I added lots of stamping and a title to my main journal card as well!