Introducing the 2021 Scrap Harder Challenge!


New year, new goals! If you’re wanting to take your memory keeping to the next level in 2021, break out of ruts, and challenge yourself a little, I’ve come up with this really fun challenge for you! There are 24 prompts, so 2 a month - doable, right? Some are easier than others, some will require planning, some are “projects” rather than layouts, but in the end, I hope that you come out of 2021 having expanded your skills and having had tons of FUN!

Right click the instagram-sharable image above and share on your socials to spread the word + make sure you use the hashtag #2021ScrapHarderChallenge when you post layouts that meet a challenge (and make sure you identify the challenge completed) and I will be going through all year long and randomly giving away TRD gift cards to participants!

Download the printable PDF File Here!

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